Cookie policy
This website is owned by BIOFAC A/S. When you visit the website ( we automatically collect and store information about your visit on the website via cookies. Our Cookie Policy contains information on what type of information we collect, the purpose of our cookies, what the information is used for, and who has access to the information.
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small packet of information which a website may place on your device, e.g. your computer’s hard disk, your smartphone, tablet or other electronic device with memory. Cookies contain information about your use of a website and the website uses the cookie to make communication between your web browser and the website more efficient.
Cookies are used on this website, and when you use our website you accept the use of the cookies as described in this document. If you do not want to allow us to use cookies, you must deactivate cookies in your browser. For help on deactivating cookies see below.
Which information do we collect?
The information collected by our cookies includes general information about your computer settings, your connection to the internet i.a. operating system and platform, IP address, your browsing patterns and timings of browsing on our website and your location.
Use of cookies
We process your personal data in order to identify which subpages on our website you have visited, the time and length of visit and your interaction with elements on our website, including subpages. We use this data to optimize our website. The information gathered is used to improve the user experience on our website and will be kept confidential. The information will only be used for the purposes specified either in this Cookie Policy.
We may use your personal information:
1. to manage the website
2. to monitor and improve functionality.
Changes in Cookie policy
Any changes to our Cookie policy will be posted here. We reserve the right to vary our Cookie policy from time to time and such changes shall become effective as soon as they are published here. Your continued use of our website constitutes your agreement to all such changes.
Deactivate or Remove Cookies
If you wish to deactivate the use of cookies now or in the future, you can change the permission in your browser settings. You can stop the use of cookies from this and other websites by adding the domain under settings in your browser.
Contact information for BIOFAC A/S
Englandsvej 350-356
2770 Kastrup Denmark
CVR no. DK-6255 0511